
Privacy Policy

Last updated May 8, 2024

Information and Data the Developer Collects from You

The developer of Landmarks collects no personal or personally identifiable information (PII).

Landmarks does not use any analytics tools and does not include any code from any advertising network.

Please note that we may collect PII, such as your name and email address, and any other information you explicitly share with us, to operate customer support. This information is used solely to provide customer service and to improve the App.

Third Parties

We use CloudKit for synching landmarks and achievements between your devices. Please visit for more information.

For purchase processing, we use RevenueCat to handle in-app purchases and subscriptions. Please visit for more information.

We do not sell any data to any third party.


We may update this Privacy Policy in the future. We encourage you to visit this page periodically to be aware of the possible changes.

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at [email protected].